Hello, my name is
Hugh Fluffner
Marilyn Bunroe
My info
Male and female
Living with Dogs
Living with Children
Approx 12 years +
4 & 2 years
Living with Cats
All our rabbits are all neutered, treated for worms and skin parasites and vaccinated against Myxomatosis, RHD and VHD2.
It's all about me!
Well hello there, we are Hugh Fluffner and Marylin Bunroe, two high class lops that know we deserve star treatment. We love each other and spend most our days snuggling, but we are also partial to treats and a good run around when the mood takes us.
We can live indoor or outdoor, we just ask that you stick to the Rabbit Welfare Association's minimum standards of permanent unrestricted access to a predator-proof space measuring 2m by 3m. If you have enough space for us, please apply using the form so we can meet you ASAP.
Rehoming process
We read all applications and get in touch with those that look like a good match for a small animal in our care.
Home check
If your application looks like a good match and meets the accommodation requirements we will contact you to arrange a home visit - this is a mandatory part of adopting.
Meet and greet
Once the home visit is complete we will make an appointment for you to come to the sanctuary to meet suitable small animals.
Adoption and post adoption support
We love to see updates about how our former residents are getting on and we offer rescue back up for the rest of the animal’s life.